A Celebration of Njie: A Life of Resilience, Curiosity, and CreativityOn this day, I would like to celebrate not just a very good friend of mine, but a force of nature — Puji (Njie Astuti), Flowy, or as she…Feb 31Feb 31
Convivencia: Kala Cendekia Tiga Agama Bekerja Sama Via Alih BahasaSaya terharu sekaligus terinspirasi saat membaca sepotong cerita dalam salah satu bab di buku 1001 Inventions ini, yaitu Translating…Jan 161Jan 161
Teruntuk: SINDIKASI (Terantuk Diri Sendiri)“Your friend is not your therapist, and your therapist is not your friend.”Aug 24, 20241Aug 24, 20241
Catatan Aksi Solidaritas Mendesak Pengesahan RUU PPRT 15 Agustus 2024Support the rally urging DPR to pass Domestic Workers Protection Bill. Stand in solidarity with women and vulnerable workers in Indonesia!Aug 16, 20242Aug 16, 20242
Batas Kecerdasan Robotik dan Kisah Manusiawi Sugeng Hariyanto, MunsyiSaya menonton program Rapid Questions: Dari Nostalgia Gombal hingga Alasan Jadi Penerjemah di kanal YouTube Transkomunika Kencana. Hadir…Aug 14, 20242Aug 14, 20242
Poin Menarik Siniar Ivan Lanin dan Raditya Dika tentang Bahasa IndonesiaKemarin saya menonton video siniar Ivan Lanin (Medium: Ivan Lanin) di kanal YouTube Raditya Dika (Medium: Raditya Dika) (“Yang Bisa Bahasa…Aug 11, 20242Aug 11, 20242
Sepuluh Kiat Kucing untuk Hidup dengan Baik(This is my Indonesian translation of an excerpt from Feline Philosophy [2020] by John Gray, specifically the last sub-chapter: “Ten Feline…Aug 8, 20241Aug 8, 20241
Post-Mortem on Audiovisual Translation Quality Control of The Association of Indonesian Translators…Item #: HPI-AVT-QC-001-2024May 31, 2024May 31, 2024
Carmen Cygni AKA Soul Trash (Q2 2024 Edition)It’s a living and breathing world; this tiny universe confined within the cramped space of my cranium — and its worldbuilding is ever a…May 30, 2024May 30, 2024