For Carissa, Birthday Girl
Your sweet, sleeping face, a show of strange serenity
The fire of my bravery, the fuel of my misery
However cheesy those words may be
They are nothing but true af tho, Baby
We fight and we shout and we bicker
We laugh and we cry our tears bitter
We lick and stab our wounds bare forever
We know way better than to wear the mask
The world makes us wear never to ask
Our loneliness harder still to hide
Dwelling deep in each of our stride
And yet we walk on
And yet we march on
And yet we carry on
The way your eyes' waterfalls just keep flowing
The way your stubby magic fingers just keep drawing
The way your gaze, so close yet so distant, just keep piercing
Your dreams and desires
Make you fear and falter
I say, "Fuck it, I know you can make it."
And make it, you shall
My Whale
My Bayi
My Belut
My Waifu
May you never change, but always grow
May you lead a full life, full with all its joy and sorrow
I’m all out of sweet nothings, but this much I know:
I love you, Deario
Happy Birthday, Pippo