(AKA System Flush AKA Soul Trash #13)
Trigger warning: suggestive language and graphic content about organized belief systems
Under scrutiny
Vox populi vox dei
One forbidden fruit
Thousand judgments. Zero mercy. Infinite jest.
He said. She said. They said. You said. i? Obey.
Rules. Norms. Protocols. Obey.
Decency. Propriety. Sanctity. Obey.
Superego, good. Id, bad. Obey.
suppress. Suppress. SUPPRESS. OBEY!
Follow the commands. Execute the instructions. Obey. Thou shalt not abort.
Abort yourself instead. Toe the line. Color inside the lines.
Behold, People! A Sinner comes before you.
Shame. Shame. Shame!
Conform. Conform. Conform!
Baa. Baa. Baa!
Smile. Suppress. Repress. Oppress. Project. Reject. Project. Oppress. Repress. Suppress. Smile. Rinse. Repeat.
Rules are Roolz are Rulz are RULES.
Obey. Follow. Execute. Eat. Sleep. Defecate. Sleep. Eat. Execute. Follow. Obey. Defecate.
2 + 2 = 5
Smug pretentious loser. Too wild for this world. Calm down now and conform and cater to the whims of Society. NOW.
Be compassionate. Be pious. Be religious. Be sensible. Be meek. Be kind. Be good. Be the Netizens’ media darling. Be a good citizen. Be a cis-hetero non-queer masculine manly macho Man.
Society trumps sole individual. ALWAYS.
God is Great — hooman is smol.
Small. Speck. Tiny. Trivial. Insignificant. Inconsequential. Nil. Nihil. Nada.
Sing. Praise. Chant. Worship.
Smile. Laugh — but not too loud.
Cry. Weep — but don’t despair.
Stand. Sit. Run — but don’t march to the beat of your own drum.
Crucify yourself. Perform ablution until your skin gets peeled. Let the bone of your holy teacher up where the sun wouldn’t shine on you; and be grateful for that — for they are absolutely holy and absolutely not-full-of-shit, and you are absolutely full of sins and stains off all sort.
And they’re purging you oh so nice oh oh so selflessly.
Kiss their feet. Kiss their ass. Kiss their rings.
Follow the Quran/Old Testament/New Testament/Talmud/Dhammapada/Rg Veda/Woke Brigade/Alt-Right/MGTOW/Ultras/Tree Huggers/Heaven’s Committee, etc.
No questions. Be a good lamb. Don’t be a stray kid. Don’t be a GOAT.
Stay mediocre. Stay sanitised. Lay low — and stay low.
Don’t shatter your shackles. Don’t question the authorities.
Sit, boy. Roll over. Play dead.
All in all, you’re just another brick in the wall.
Pray. Be a good servant. No ploy.
Work. Be a good drone. No play.
Obey. Be a good boy. Obey. Obey. OBEY.
Look around you. Less fortunate wretches and dregs of Society. Be grateful. Be thankful. Be tearful. Be cheerful.
Follow the prompt. Follow the script. Follow the screenplay.
Abide by the applicable Law.
Count your blessings.
Mind your language.
Know your place.
Check your privilege.
Blah. Blah. Blah.
Do not die on your own terms. Not always. Not sometimes.
Not unless We want you to die. Not unless We need you to die — not ever.
Good morning. Good day. Good evening. Good night. Good boy. Take care!
“Fuck that shit. Fuck you. Fuck you all to hell. I. AM. MINE.”