Takeaways from the “Pricing Primer for Freelance Translators” Webinar by Daniel Sebesta

2 min readNov 10, 2023


Image by Yowid via Nightcafe

A while back, Ade Indarta posted on LinkedIn about Translating for Europe Forum discussions in the Translating Europe Forum 2023.

One of the webinars in the YouTube channel is “Pricing Primer for Freelance Translators” by Daniel Sebesta, Prague Linguistics, s.r.o.

The best webinar segment for me is “Best Practices: Start with the 3Cs” (08:23–14:55):

Cost is the floor, i.e., the very minimum you must charge not to make a loss in the transaction.

Customer’s willingness to pay is the ceiling of what you can charge, i.e., what you can get away with (with that particular customer).

Competition is the reference point, i.e., how you compare to what else is available in the market.

All the three Cs help narrow the range of any conceivable rates and give us a *COMPLETE PICTURE*.

Indonesian translation:

Biaya (cost) adalah batas bawah (floor), yakni tarif minimum dalam transaksi agar tak merugi.

Kesediaan klien atau pelanggan (customer) untuk membayar adalah batas atas atau plafon (ceiling) tarif, yakni tarif maksimum yang masih dianggap wajar bagi pelanggan tersebut.

Persaingan atau kompetisi (competition) adalah titik acuan (reference point), yakni seberapa besar daya saing Anda dibandingkan dengan kompetitor alias pesaing Anda di pasar.

Ketiga aspek di atas (three Cs) membantu memperkecil rentang tarif yang dapat dikenakan kepada klien dan memberikan gambaran utuh tentang praktik terbaik dalam penentuan tarif penerjemah lepas.




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