Icarus unbound
The inevitable drop
“Never learn, do ya?”
Late at night as you stare
At nothing in the ceiling
Nothing stares back at you
And as the abyss beckons to you
You realize one thing:
You yearn for that plunge
Down the unfathomable
Too close to the Sun
Too close for comfort
Those you hurt and those who hurt you
Your constant companions
In the free fall
Tears ran dry, nothing else remains
Nothing but nothingness
Top of the lungs
Nothing heard
Avast! Unto the deepest ocean
Rock bottom
Where weird fishes swim
Where fantasy and reality
Is easy
As an ABC:
A blurry chimera
The only chatters
Are your gritting teeth
Pain felt in the searing heat
People go in a heartbeat
They never go
You go
They never leave
You leave
They never escape
You escape
To the abyss
To the void
To the ocean
To your memory palace
Where you reign supreme
And your loyal subjects
Are nothing
But specters of your beloved
Where all that you touch
Turn into gold
Stone cold gold
Exactly as nothing you need
Let alone want
You want nothing
But to disappear completely
Where not even weird fishes swim